Mr Donald Pottie: Effective Legacy PLanning

Pottie and Co
[L – R] President. Paddy McGowan, Mr Donald Pottie and Vice-President, Oliver Loughran
Wednesday 21 February 2018.  Mr Donald Pottie: Effective Legacy Planning

A D Pottie & Co is a firm of Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors based in Fintona, specialising in Effective Legacy Planning for farmers and all who have property to pass on.   Effective Legacy Planning is about getting good advice, considering everything that could affect your wishes and being aware of all your options, so that you can make your own informed choice.   Using members of the club as an imaginary family he introduced a Mum and Dad, a Son and Daughter, a Merry Widow and a scurrilous suitor.  This set-up allowed a lighthearted look at some serious issues regarding wills and inheritance.  Having touched on matters such as Probate, Trusts and Powers of Attorney he then invited questions.   Club members were prompt to use the opportunity to check out their own understanding of Inheritance Law  and glean more information.   This opened up other avenues of inquiry such as how to prevent sideways disinheritance, what happens if beneficiaries die prematurely and preventing successful challenges to wills.  It was Mr Pottie’s opinion that using a Trust is the most flexible yet robust method of ensuring that your assets are protected during your lifetime, your wishes respected when you are gone and your loved one’s inheritance will not be lost or reduced.   He was thanked for his interesting and informative talk by Probus President, Paddy McGowan, seconded by Jim McBain