Xmas Lunch 2022


On Wednesday 7 December 2022 Omagh Men’s Probus Club hosted a Christmas Lunch for members and their wives and the widows of former members.  In addition the Club was pleased to welcome Mr John Campbell, President of Omagh Rotary Club, Mr Phil Marshall, Captain of Omagh Golf Club, and Mrs Anne McBain, Vice-President of Omagh and District Ladies Probus Club.   The general feeling was that it was great to back in the Golf Club after a two-year break enforced on the Club by the Coronavirus pandemic.  As members and guests arrived they were treated to a glass of Prosecco or a soft drink before taking their seats for lunch. All were warmly welcomed by the Club President, Mr Michael Cooney, whose witty opening address preceded a fine festive lunch.  A raffle of gifts provided by Club members rounded off very pleasant afternoon during which there had been many opportunities to catch up with old friends, some of who had not met since the last luncheon in 2019.

Photos: Members and Guests enjoying Lunch

Members and Guests at lunch Wednesday 7 December